ESP Quick Tip #13: Setting Shipping Charges - Actualités / ESP Quick Tips - ASI

juil. 8 2021

ESP Quick Tip #13: Setting Shipping Charges

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On an ESP Website and/or Company Store, in the eCommerce - Check-out and Order Management area, there is a section for shipping charges which provides you with the ability to establish a flat rate, percentage, or choose to not include a specific charge for shipping on your site.

To apply a flat rate, enter the fixed amount in the available box and that single charge will applied to any order placed via the site.

The percentage, however, has more of a dynamic functionality. The percentage option will calculate the shipping charge based on a percentage of the order total. The minimum and maximum fields can help administrators control the range of the shipping charge. Basically, the site admin can ensure that their customers will never pay less shipping than the Min amount and never more than the Max amount.

Below Min
Between Min and Max
Above Max
Min amount will be applied
Order total will be calculated and then sum will be applied
Max will be applied

Let's discuss three scenarios using the shipping charge configuration in the image below.

In this configuration, the shipping charge is set to 10%, with a min of $50 and a max of $100. Now, let's analyze three situations and discuss how the shipping charge will be applied:

  • Scenario 1: Shipping Charge Percentage Below Minimum Value:
    If total order amount is $499 or less, then the 10% shipping charge would be under the $50 minimum amount because 10% of $499 is $49.90. If this is the case, then the minimum amount (in this example, $50) would be applied as the shipping charge.
  • Scenario 2: Shipping Charge Percentage Applies:
    If total order amount is $500 to $1000, then the 10% shipping charge would be calculated and displayed as the shipping charge. This means that the value of the shipping charge will vary based on the order total. So, based on the set values in the image above, if the order total is $850, then the shipping charge would calculate 10% of that total and display the sum (in this example, $85) as the shipping charge.
  • Scenario 3: Shipping Charge Percentage Exceeds Maximum
    If total order amount is $1000 or more, then the 10% shipping charge would be above the $1000 maximum amount because 10% of $1000 is $100. If this is the case, then the maximum amount (in this example, $100) would be applied as the shipping charge.
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