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All About Price Grids

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Price grids in ESP contain four rows:

  • Quantity
    Quantity is the amount of units. The quantities will generally correspond with price breaks given by the supplier, meaning that there is a discount for ordering more. The lowest price break is considered the minimum quantity, which means the distributor will need to order at least that many units. In some cases, suppliers will sell in quantities that are lower than the minimum for an additional charge.
  • Catalog Price
    Catalog Price is the suggested price for the base product provided by the supplier and is also referred to as the List Price. Distributors have full control over the List Price when creating ESP presentations or order documentation.
  • Net Cost
    Net cost is the base price the distributor needs to pay the supplier for the product and will not be shown on any customer facing documentation in ESP.
  • Profit
    Profit is the amount the distributor is projected to earn (per unit) once all order transactions are completed.

As a general rule, as the quantity increases, the price and cost will decrease. If pricing is not available, the grid might display "QUR". This abbreviation is to indicate Quote Upon Request meaning that the Supplier will provide pricing on an individual or request basis.

Discount Codes

Discount Codes are letters which indicate the percentage difference between the Net Cost and the Catalog Price. Each letter indicates the percentage for a column. If there is a single letter, it means that letter applies to one column. In the example below, the code displayed is 3R2U. This means that the first three price breaks are set to "R" and the next two are set to "U".

Please sign into ASI Central to learn more about discount codes or check out the Discount Code FAQs!


Occasionally, suppliers will offer specials that include terms like NQP or EQP. These abbreviations stand for Next Quantity Pricing and End Quantity Pricing. These are discounts because the supplier is offering a lower cost for a smaller quantity.

  • Next Quantity Pricing (NQP)
    Next Quantity Pricing, abbreviated to NQP, means that the supplier will enable the distributor to order using the net cost for the next quantity. For example, if a distributor wanted to order 100 units, with NQP, they would pay as if they were ordering as many as the next price break.
  • End Quantity Pricing (EQP)
    End Quantity Pricing, abbreviated to EQP, means that the supplier will enable the distributor to order using the net cost for the final or end quantity. For example, if a distributor wanted to order 100 units, with EQP, they would pay as if they were ordering as many as the final price break.

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