Manage Users - Knowledgebase / ESP Admin - ASI

Manage Users

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Within the Users section of the ESP Admin, administrators are able to manage their company's ESP users within ESP CRM and Orders. New users can be added by purchasing additional ESP licenses.

Click on the Avatar (user icon) in the upper right corner and then select Settings. Then, click on Users from the options on the left.

To locate an existing user, begin entering the user's first or last name in the Search Existing User box. As you type, matching results will display below the search box.

Each user listing has several options for permissions:

  • Administrator: Provides administrative control of ESP Orders and CRM to the user.
  • Create Invoice: Enables the user to create invoices.
  • Create PO: Enables the user to create purchase orders.
  • Data Exporter: Enables the user to export data from ESP Orders and CRM.
  • Email Marketing: Enables the user to send email marketing campaigns.
  • Orders: Enables the user to send order documentation.

Note: If a user has been marked as an administrator, they will automatically be designated as able to create invoices, purchase orders, and export data.

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