Your ASI Number - Knowledgebase / Resource Center / Industry Info / Getting Started - ASI

Your ASI Number

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The ASI number is the only true, consistent industry identifier, respected and recognized by distributors for more than 60 years. You should display your official ASI listing number on all communications, literature, advertising material and business forms used within the specialty advertising/promotional products industry. Even if your personal and exclusive ASI number is printed on your business stationery – it's always good practice to type it next to or just under your signature or name on any purchase order, inquiry, memo or letter to your suppliers.

Your ASI number identifies you as an ASI-listed specialty advertising professional and indicates you have met the necessary criteria for an ASI network listing. In addition, your ASI number helps identify your company, helps your business partners manage their business with you and helps to differentiate you from other companies that have similar names.

Your ASI number should be used in the following manner: asi/000000 and you are welcome to use your ASI number in conjunction with the official logo or it may stand alone. If you wish to use it with the ASI logo, place it directly below the logo.

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