ESP Orders FAQs - Knowledgebase / Orders - ASI

ESP Orders FAQs

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How do I purchase ESP Orders?

ASI offers several packages which include ESP Orders to meet your company needs. You may visit the ASI Store to review the pricing online or contact your ASI Account Executive for pricing.

I have ESP Online. Can I use ESP Orders on ESP Online?

ESP Orders is only compatible with ESP Web; therefore, to have access to ESP Orders, you must upgrade from ESP Online to ESP Web. To upgrade to ESP Web, please contact our Technical Product Support team at (800) 546-1350, option 2 or email

Can I limit the access of my outside sales reps so that they cannot submit orders directly?

Yes, ESP Orders has several levels of permissions and administrative controls.

What data security is in place for ESP Orders?

To make sure the data in ESP Orders is secure and available 24/7, ASI employs leading data security services including:

  • Offsite Disaster Recovery: Our main data center is replicated 800 miles away, on another electrical and weather grid. In the event of a local disaster, you'll have access to your data in just hours.
  • Multiple ISPs: ASI uses multiple Internet service providers to provide bandwidth to and from our servers. If one company has an outage, we switch to another immediately.
  • Enhanced Data Centers: With laser-sensing air sampling tools to identify smoke, advanced environmental climate controls, intelligent floor and ceiling fire extinguishers and double password access

Does ESP Orders store credit card information?

To maximize security for your data and your clients' data, ESP Orders does not store credit card information. This ensures you acquire the most accurate data from the customer in case they want to use another card, their card has expired, etc.

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